18.10.2024 09:30

Methodenworkshop mit Andrea Westermann

Wissenschaftsgeschichte Universität Wien


SCARCE Colloquium

Speakers: Vera Keller and Wenrui Zhao

University of Vienna

Hybrid event

07.10.2024 16:15

Extraction: The Frontiers of Green Capitalism

Thea Riofrancos (Providence College)

IE Talk

University of Vienna


Higher Seminar in the History of Science and Ideas

Department of History of Science and Ideas, Uppsala University

26.06.2024 13:00

Before Resources: Managing Mineral "Treasures" in Early Modern Central Europe

Presentation by Sebastian Felten

Colloquium Humanities of Nature (online)

Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

20.06.2024 15:00

Metals as Poison and Remedy in Early Modern Central Europe A Research Report

Presentation by Sarah Seinitzer

History of Science and Knowledge Doctoral Colloquium



Uses of the Past in Central European Mining

Presentation by Sebastian Felten and Sarah Seinitzer

Bergbaukolloquium Montanuniversität Leoben

17.04.2024 18:00

April 17, 6 pm, Aula am Campus, Hof 1.11 (Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna)

Join us for short presentations and refreshments. All are welcome!